Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simple Wreath

I wanted a wreath for my door. The ones I see around town are just not to my taste. They are downright gaudy in my opinion. My Mom bought one last year that would attack you as you entered the house it was so big. If that wasn't bad enough the mosquitoes nested in it so she had to take it down! And what is with all that netting stuff? Those wreaths look like Mardi Gras exploded on the door. No offense to folks who find that sort of thing attractive but it is not for me. The other option, available at craft stores, are overpriced and fake looking.

I decided to make my own. I bought a couple of medium sized grapevine wreaths and a few sprigs of somewhat simple and somewhat realistic greenery and flowers at a craft store. I had painted floral wire and wire cutters at home. That is basically all that is needed to make a simple wreath.

I collected my supplies and headed to the garage work-shop. I snipped the greenery and flowers from the main branches.  Then I attached the pieces of greenery to the wreath with the floral wire until I was satisfied with the arrangement.

The result - understated but welcoming.

I made one for the garage door too.

♥and Peace, Myra

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